The use of open spaces for photovoltaic systems makes it possible to turn unused land into a profitable and environmentally friendly source of energy. Whether farmers, commercial enterprises, local authorities or private individuals - everyone can benefit from a ground-mounted PV system and contribute to the energy transition.
Farmers: Make double use of your agricultural land and combine agrivoltaic systems with your agricultural production. In this way, you can generate additional income from energy production in addition to your yields.
Commercial enterprises: Industrial and commercial sites are ideal for installing photovoltaic systems to cover your own electricity requirements or feed surplus energy into the grid.
Municipalitiesand private owners: Municipalities, towns or private individuals with large plots of land can also benefit from converting them into open solar spaces and generate sustainable electricity.
We start with a personal consultation and planning of your photovoltaic system. Our experts analyze your energy requirements and develop a tailor-made solution for your home or business.